After a whirlwind decision to move from Halifax to Mexico. we set out on April 30, 2008. This blog began as an email log to some of our friends. A blog seems a more efficient medium to share impressions. We hope that it is entertaining and even informative.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More Camelot

It is interesting weather here in the rainy season. It doesn’t rain every night, but quite often. Nevertheless, it gets sunny most days, well before noon. We had quite heavy rain (with lots of lightning and thunder) last night (no leaks again!). By dawn, it was sunny again. One substantial difference is the humidity. During the dry season, it was around 30% or so most of the time. Today, after the big rain, it was well over 60%, although it was down into the 50s by this afternoon. However, the temperatures are lower now (usually not much above 30 C for the highs and that is only in the middle to late afternoon) so that it is not unpleasant. The forecast is for a low of 14 C tonight. That is fairly cool. We can see a bit of the mountain out our front windows and it is a very different colour--green, not brown. Also, with all the rain, grass is growing between the cobblestones on some of the streets, especially here in La Floresta, where some of the streets are really wide. As of June 20th, the level of Lake Chapala is up 20 cm (about 8 inches) since the start of the rainy season and about 10% higher than a year ago. There is a great deal of interest in the water level. A few years ago it was very low and there was real concern. The recovery is being cheered.

I go for another Spanish class tomorrow. It is coming, but very slowly. I have learned the numbers, at least to ten thousand, the months, days of the week and so on. I still can’t understand much when people speak to me, but I can formulate some simple sentences. I knew that it would be a slow process and am not surprised or discouraged.

1 comment:

kateandjack2000 said...

It was only when we were leaving Mexico, after five months, that I began to understand the numbers from the merchants. So you are doing VERY well. Keep up the good work....we will need you upon our return.