After a whirlwind decision to move from Halifax to Mexico. we set out on April 30, 2008. This blog began as an email log to some of our friends. A blog seems a more efficient medium to share impressions. We hope that it is entertaining and even informative.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rainy seasons begins

Well, the rainy season appears to have started and with a bang. Just about 8 p.m. on Friday, we heard a bit of thunder and then a few minutes later, it started to rain. Almost immediately, the power went off and with the heavy clouds, it was pretty dark. There was a good deal of wind; we had to close all of the windows, at least from the north. Then, a few minutes later our backyard neighbours’ alarm system went off. They have wires around above the walls. After about 10 minutes or so, the alarm finally was turned off, thank God.

This is now Saturday. The heavy rain lasted for about half an hour, but continued to rain, gradually tapering off after about an hour and a half. The power remained off until almost noon. It is cool and the air is fresh today. It is pretty sunny. We have discovered a couple of leaks in the roof. Also, the windows in the courtyard go right to the floor and are not sealed. Thus, a bit of water runs down the windows and then a bit spreads on the tile floor. However, it had all dried up by this morning. One spot we had to put a bucket under.

I can hear a saw going on the next street so a crew must be cleaning up. We went outside to look. A lot of debris came off the trees--bark, leaves, small branches, etc. Thus, the lawn inside and outside the wall is littered. Also, the street from the highway down (named Paseo de la Pesca--Path of the Fish) ends at our street, but a pathway to the next street behind and a large ditch for a storm drain continues beside our house. A large grill allows the water coming down de la Pesca to go into the storm ditch. The grill has over a foot of debris covering the entire length, well over 30 feet. There is a man out clearing that now. I expect that de la Pesca had in fact become quite a river during the rainstorm. However, I was certainly not going to go out to see.

The forecast is for some sun early every day, but chance of thunderstorms in late afternoon and rain every night. Even some rain during the day for some days next week. Matthew and Angie are coming on Sunday, just in time for rain, rain, rain. However, we are very excited as they are our first visitors. Yesterday, we got 2 small water pots for the bathrooms and a big one for the big water carboys. Everyone down here says to use bottled water to drink, even with a water purifier. It was fun looking at all the brightly coloured, Mexican waterpots. Barbara had quite a time choosing.

I had better stop and save something for another day and post.

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