After a whirlwind decision to move from Halifax to Mexico. we set out on April 30, 2008. This blog began as an email log to some of our friends. A blog seems a more efficient medium to share impressions. We hope that it is entertaining and even informative.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This and that

We are more settled all the time. Yesterday, we ventured into Guadalajara to the huge mall and shopping area. This time we had no difficulty in making the journey both ways. It was a bit disappointing in that we didn’t get some of the things we went for. Especially, on an earlier trip to Costco we had seen a large umbrella that we thought would give more shade on the inner courtyard. However, there weren’t any this time. We did get other things, there or at other stores. One of our priorities is to get a desk for me; Barb is getting sick of my having computer and papers on the dining room table. There is an Office Depot in Guadalajara but on a huge long main street. We had the telephone number, but that doesn’t help if you don’t speak any Spanish. I have learned a bit and I thought out the questions to ask before hand. I did ask, in Spanish, if someone could speak English. But the fellow who came on really didn’t know enough to answer my question. He got someone else, but I had my questions in Spanish ready. Between the English that she knew and my questions in Spanish, she did tell me which way to go and what the street number is. We'll venture in on a search tomorrow and eventually find our way around Guadalajara. Also, a few more weeks on the Spanish and I shall be able to stumble my way through simple conversations.

Ever since Friday night (this is the 5th night), we have been hearing fireworks every evening and often at 6 a.m. It seems to be a fiesta in San Antonio (there doesn’t seem to be anything in Ajijic). All the streets for a block around the San Antonio town square are blocked off with tents and small car rides, etc. for little kids; it looks like a mini carnival. Perhaps it is for the town’s patron saint.

In the house next door to us there is a Mexican couple with 2 girls--one about 7 and the other perhaps 9. Usually, it is very quiet. This afternoon, there is some sort of party for kids who seem to be having a whale of time in their swimming pool. I’m interested to find out more about this couple. Obviously, they are very well off compared to most Mexicans. Their house is at least as nice as ours; with a pool it likely cost more than ours. [Our house is kind of at the lower end of houses in La Floresta; the majority are bigger and much grander than ours.] They also have 2 relatively new vehicles. Maybe in time we’ll find out what they do and where. One of the huge changes in Mexico in the last 20 years or so is the rapid growth of a middle class. Our neighbours would seem to be in the upper levels of such a middle class.

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