After a whirlwind decision to move from Halifax to Mexico. we set out on April 30, 2008. This blog began as an email log to some of our friends. A blog seems a more efficient medium to share impressions. We hope that it is entertaining and even informative.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

More Brunch Club in Mexico

We have had a busy time since the contingent from Halifax arrived. Also, the mid-term exams for my online course finally arrived. Thus, I had to do some marking during the other activities. However, as Barb can drive, she and the other women went to San Juan Cosala to check out the spas and had dinner at Reuben’s restaurant. Last Friday, we all (8 of us) went to Chapala for a display of Indian art/crafts. Barb and the 4 women went by car while Kate, Jack and I took the bus. The latter is a really interesting Mexican experience just on its own. The buses run very frequently all along lakeside so that one does not have to wait very long. However, the one we got on made it way down into San Antonio before going to Chapala; the bus had no springs or cushions on the seats. You could feel every bump (some really big ones) directly in your bottom. There are direct buses, but we didn’t want to wait. Next time, it might be worth it. However, as I said, it was an experience.

Almost everyone bought something at the show. I got a ‘rainbow’ shirt. Once I got it home and tried it on, it seems a bit too big, but maybe we can take it to a seamstress to get it adjusted. After, we went to the restaurant on the pier. It has wonderful mocajetes. These are a special Mexican dish. It can have beef, chicken or shrimp (or in this case a mix of all three) plus some vegetables (onion, green peppers, etc.) and lots of cheese. It is then served in a large bowl carved from lava rock and heated to a very high temperature. They are really too big for one person. For the 8 of us, we got three and everyone had more than enough. There were 2 bands playing for some of the other patrons; they took turns playing songs. I know that the one band (9 players) charges 100 pesos per song. However, when they came to our table, we demurred.

This morning at Open Circle, the speaker was Judit Rajhathy, another Nova Scotian from Dartmouth. I mentioned meeting her at the Canadian Consulate in Guadalajara in October; it’s a small world after all, as the Disney song says.

There is a bridge club every Monday. Jack & Kate played last year, but Kate is not too keen this year; Jack has asked me to be his partner. However, while they are here, the 4 ladies (all bridge players from the Brunch Club) are going to go as well. That is tomorrow. We shall continue to have a busy time, I’m sure.

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