After a whirlwind decision to move from Halifax to Mexico. we set out on April 30, 2008. This blog began as an email log to some of our friends. A blog seems a more efficient medium to share impressions. We hope that it is entertaining and even informative.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Opossum in the BBQ

On Sunday night at about 3 a.m., all 3 of us (including Bijou) were awakened by a noise coming in through the bedroom door out to the courtyard. It was a metal sound and we immediately thought that there might be someone trying to break in. We went all around the inside of the house, but could see nothing, even when Barb had the presence of mind to turn on the patio lights. Not seeing anything, Barb & I went back to bed, then we heard Bijou whining outside the door. We had not fastened or locked that door; Bijou had pushed it open and gone into the courtyard. We then concluded that the wind must have been causing the door to swing and make the sounds.

Then, on Monday night, just after going to bed, we heard the exact same sound. This time the door was faatened and locked. Again, turning on the lights and looking around the courtyard, we could see nothing. However, this time I stood for several minutes in the door listening. When the sound started again, I was able to determine that it was coming from the BBQ. Opening the lid and looking around, we could see nothing except that the little aluminum plate that catches the juices and fats from food being cooked was moved a bit. Finally, removing part of the grate and getting the flashlight, there it was, an opossum. It had been in there all day Monday. However, they are nocturnal animals so it probably slept all day. The drip pan was licked clean so that it had had some nourishment. I know that one of their defence strategies is to play dead. Ours did not do that, but it didn’t move. Just hunched there staring at us. We took the grates off completely and a few minutes later it climbed down and left. This did provide an explanation for several events during the night this summer. Bijou would suddenly jump down, run to the door and start barking. We would look around, see nothing and order Bijou to lie down. I was trying to think of some animal that might be able to climb up the vines that are along one side of the property, but never thought of opossum. I don’t think this was its first visit to us.

Just a few minutes ago, I looked up the Wikipedia entry for opossum. Apparently, they have now extended their range north of Toronto. What I hadn’t known is that they are widely sought for food. I had heard how ‘possum hunting’ was a big time pastime in the Southern US, but had thought it was just ‘sport’. Eating opossum has declined in the US, but is still popular in many places.

By the way, it is getting cooler at night. This morning it was 15 C when I got up and even dipped down to 14.5 C. Today, the high was about 28 or so. There have also been very nice breezes the last few days. Thus, it is very pleasant and comfortable.

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