After a whirlwind decision to move from Halifax to Mexico. we set out on April 30, 2008. This blog began as an email log to some of our friends. A blog seems a more efficient medium to share impressions. We hope that it is entertaining and even informative.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas in Ajijic

I should have reported on what happened on my return (Dec. 1st) with 3 satellite receivers and a DVD player. When my luggage was put through the x-ray machine, the young woman operating wanted me to open the big suitcase to see what was there. I showed her a receiver and explained; she nodded but asked about the other things. When I explained that there were 3 receivers, she gave me a long hard look, but then waved me to go ahead. Then, I had to press the button and got the red light (only the 2nd time in going to Mexico)! Again the young fellow who was to examine my suitcase wanted to know what the receiver was and then saw the DVD player underneath. He didn’t go below that where the other 2 receivers were. We were chatting about where I lived, how long and was I learning Spanish (I was able to do most of this in Spanish). Anyway, with this he concluded his inspection and I was allowed to continue. Although they could have required that I pay the customs duties, I think that they are told not to hassle ex-pats as long as they do not appear to be carrying anything really forbidden, like drugs or guns. Thus, it all worked out.

With regard to the TV, the antenna we have just gives us marginal reception for the HD channels (the regular ones are fine). A couple we can get most of the time, but others, especially the Oasis nature channel that we especially want, we get only intermittently in the evenings. Luis is supposedly trying to set up a much larger antenna, but I think is having trouble getting it to work properly. Shaw is on 2 satellites; thus, there needs to be 2 separate receptors to get the signals, but they have to be able to switch back and forth as one changes channels. Kate and Jack have one, but I don’t think that Luis has done one himself. He seems to be a knowledgeable technician so I expect that he will get it worked out.

At LIA, the big event for Christmas is Christmas Eve. There is a dinner after which there are piƱatas and Santa gives a gift to each child. We are planning to have our gift-giving with the girls here at our place in the afternoon. Some things (clothes) they can take back to LIA, but other things we’ll keep here for them when they come. BTW, the kids love the big TV in the spare bedroom so they can lie on the bed while watching their movies. We found out that they do not get much time to watch TV at LIA. Only on weekends are they allowed to watch TV or a movie. Thus, watching a movie at our place is a treat.

For Christmas Day, instead of going to a restaurant like last year, Jack and Kate are hosting dinner. They are providing chicken, Barb is doing sweet potatoes and veggies, Sonia is providing hor d’oeuvres and Paul & Kay doing dessert. It should be very pleasant and Kate & Jack’s place is lovely with a nice view.